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Мне 19 лет. Учусь в колледже на 4 курсе, поступал на базе 9 классов. В колледже на 1 курсе прошёл всю программу 10-11 класса и получил якобы среднее образование. Считается ли оно...

Еще 1037 вопросов » Ответы 3

Центр Грин Кард

ул. Октябрьская, 5, офис 108
Минск, Беларусь

тел. в офисе (017) 327-77-55

e-mail: info@greencard.by

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Петиция о предотвращении отмены лотереи Green Card, ВАЖНО!!!!!
Америке больше не нужны мигранты из Африки

Африканцы лишились лотереи грин-кард. В Вашингтоне приняли решение отменить действие ежегодную лотерею для всех стран континента. С начала 1990-х годов сотни тысяч людей переехали в США именно благодаря популярной программе по розыгрышу вида на жительство.

Более половины из 50 тыс. ежегодно предоставляемых видов на жительство в США получают африканцы. В период с 2010 по 2012 год, каждый пятый африканец, который переехал в Америку, сделал это благодаря лотерее.

Получение грин-карты благодаря лотерее является третьим по популярности способом переезда в Америку среди африканских граждан после воссоединения семьи (43%) и запроса политического убежища (23%).

Республиканская партия США в ноябре 2012 года проголосовала за отмену ежегодной иммиграционной визовой лотереи грин-кард. Авторы проекта считают данный вид лотереи рассадником жульничества и угрозой национальной безопасности, сообщает The Washington Times.

По данным издания, Палата представителей поддержала передачу иммиграционных виз иностранным студентам, получающим в США степени выше бакалавра по естественным, точным и техническим наукам, а также людям имеющим стаж работы в Соединённых штатах более двух лет.

Лотерея предусматривает выдачу иммиграционных виз по случайному принципу, чтобы предоставить жителям стран, из которых в США прибывает мало иммигрантов, шанс переехать в Америку.

Источник: rt-russian.
Проголосовала, уж очень хочется в США. Народ, голосуйте за петицию!!!
Done... smile:-X

O. G.
May 04, 2013
Signature # 1,602
Изменено: taboo - 04.05.2013 16:17:45
Проголосовала. И блогерам на YouTube просьбу скинула. Александр Хвастович видео снял ,где просит проголосовать.
А тем временем петиция набрала 1,782 ...
не наберёт smile:-(
А вот еще сегодня получила по почте письмо. Понятия не имею как они меня нашли , но думаю, что из за регистрации для голосования в петиции.

Hi, everyone --

This is the start of a national debate. Across the country, we're having a serious discussion about how we can build a fair and effective immigration system that lives up to our heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.

And we need your help to make sure that genuine, personal perspectives are part of the conversation. The truth is, that if we go back far enough, nearly every American story begins somewhere else -- so often with ancestors setting out in search of a different life, carving out a future for their children in this place that all of us now call home.

We want to make sure that idea isn't far fr om the minds of policymakers here in Washington as we work to reach an agreement to reform immigration.

To kick things off, one of the President's senior advisors sat down to share his story with you.

Watch David Simas tell his American story, then tell us yours.

When Americans from all over the country -- each with different backgrounds, each from different circumstances -- all speak out with the same voice, it's powerful in a way that's hard to ignore. We've seen it again and again, in debate after debate.

And this is the kind of issue wh ere putting a face on the push for reform takes an abstract concept and makes it real. So share your American stories with us, and we'll put them to use.

We'll publish them on the White House website. We'll share them on Facebook and Twitter. We'll do everything we can to make sure they're part of the debate around immigration reform.

Get started here:



Cecilia Muñoz
Director, Domestic Policy Council
The White House
у меня тоже такое есть))))
One third of the members of the Senate judiciary committee voted on Thursday to delay US immigration reform at its first committee hurdle, suggesting the bill may face a bumpier ride through Congress than its bi-partisan backers have hoped.

An amendment, proposed by the Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley, would have required the government to show it had "fully secured" the border with Mexico for six months before allowing the estimated 11 million undocumented migrants who are already in the US to begin applying for legal status. Currently, the bill proposes allowing the process to begin as long as the government comes up with a plan to tighten border security further.

Though defeated, the attempt to delay the process was supported by five other Republicans on the judiciary committee, which is considering amendments in the first stage of a legislative process that is likely to last until at least July. Only Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Arizona's Jeff Flake, both members of the "gang of eight" who proposed the bill last month, voted against their fellow Republicans.

Although a Democrat majority on the Senate committee ensures the so-called mark-up process should proceed without any major opposition measure passing, the initial session on Thursday undermined suggestions that there is broad bi-partisan support for the immigration reform bill. Some among the gang of eight had hoped for a majority of 70-plus in the full Senate as a show of strength that would give the bill momentum through the Republican-controlled House.

Grassley said: "The bill will struggle to pass the House unless the border security problem is fixed." He argued that US public opinion was against anything that would add millions of new legal competitors for jobs without first guaranteeing that no more illegal immigrants would arrive.

The committee debate also heard colourful language fr om the Texas Republican John Cornyn, who said there were also national security concerns – as some of those coming across the Mexican border were "wearing turbans".

Graham suggested that many of those crossing from Mexico and other countries were doing so because wh ere they came from was a "hell hole".

The New York Democrat Chuck Schumer, one of the key backers of reform, warned that any amendment requiring full border security compliance could fatally undermine the legislation. "It would mean if one radar is broken then nobody who is already here could get legal status," he said. "It would probably delay for ever anything to bring these people out of the shadows."

Another Grassley amendment, proposing that Congress rather than the government should determine whether border security was adequate before implementing the bill, saw a similar 6 vs 12 rebellion from Republicans. The committee continues its session on Thursday afternoon.

Короче, они уже сами не знают, что хотят и как хотят.

8% chance of getting past committee.
2% chance of being enacted.

Билл пока находится в комитете и не идет дальше в Сенат. Как долго только никто не знает.
Изменено: Денис - 09.05.2013 23:00:30
Дело не проиграно,если есть хоть один дурак, который будет за него бороться...
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