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Дядюшка Сэм сообщает:

Работает проверка заявок DV-2024, принятых осенью 2022 года

Интервью победителей DV-2024 — с 01.10.2023 до 30.09.2024

Регистрация заявок DV-2025 — с 4 октября по 7 ноября 2023 года

Проверка результатов DV-2025 — с 4 мая 2024 года


Мы помогаем принять участие в лотерее.

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Интервью победителей

Октябрь 2023: 4500

Сентябрь 2023: 32000

Август 2023: 32000

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Центр Грин Кард

ул. Октябрьская, 5, офис 108
Минск, Беларусь

тел. в офисе (017) 327-77-55

e-mail: info@greencard.by

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Большой case number (DV-2014)
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Большой case number (DV-2014)
napisal v chentuki vot atfet

Thank you for your inquiry.

For September, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2014 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

AFRICA 81,100 Except: Egypt 32,250
ASIA 13,350 Except: Nepal 9,500
EUROPE 40,150
S. AMERICA 1,750

Interviews for the DV 2014 program will begin in October 2013 and conclude on September 30, 2014. KCC cannot provide information as to when an interview date may become available for your case. Appointments are scheduled numerically according to assigned case numbers. The Department of State designates how many interviews will be scheduled each month according to visa availability. You may refer to the visa bulletin at www.travel.state.gov for the list of current numbers being processed. This information is updated on the 15th day of each month thereafter.
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